Where have I been? Wow, so many months have gone by without an update on the blog. I hope you have been well.
It has been a busy school year in my role as a District Inclusion Resource Teacher: Competency based IEPs, many new kiddos on my caseload, meetings, mentoring, and learning.
I have been promoting kindness for many years, but the busy-ness of my job has made me pivot to self-kindness, self-care and wellness. Stretching, movement, whole food eating, mindfulness, and gratitude journaling have all become part of my day. If I didn't take time to do these things, I wouldn't be well, and I have been down that road.
I hope you are finding time for self-kindness, self-care, self-compassion on a daily basis. I learned the truth of the quote, "If you don't make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness." You are worth the investment!
This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week. There are so many opportunities for kindness in our day. Head over to The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Random Acts of Kindness Week for lesson plans, kindness ideas, posters, colouring pages, and more.
Be well and let kindness shine!