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Kindness & Stories
8 Day Kindness Challenge

February is a month with so many opportunities to focus on kindness. I usually start the challenge on Valentine’s Day, run through Random Acts of Kindness Day, and end on Pink Shirt Day . Of course you can do the activities in this challenge any time of the year. 

Do one or as many as you can. I would love to hear from you and see any photos of your class in action!

8 day kindness challenge (5).jpg

Day 1

 Create a kindness tree, mural, or bulletin board display with an encouraging kind message.


Day 2

Make Kindness Cards or Compliment Cards for teachers and staff of the school. Place them on their desk, in their mailboxes, or on the windshield of their car.

Day 3

 Make kindness pencils by attaching a kind message flag. Go into another class when they are not there and place them on students’ desks.

Alternately you may just use post-it notes and stick kind messages on the desks.


Day 4

 Do a “Heart Attack” on the principal, secretary, custodian or make them cards to show gratitude for all they do. 

A “Heart Attack” is when you take heart shaped pieces of paper and write notes of appreciation and gratitude or compliment on them for one individual. You then put tape on the back and cover their workspace or door with all the heart messages.


Day 5

Celebrate diversity by wearing rainbow colors today. Read a story about inclusion, diversity, or acceptance to your class.

Some of my favorite:

Rainbow Socks

Day 6

Create uplifting posters with positive messages and post them up around the school, in the washrooms, and on doors.

You can also purchase these here.




Day 7

Create kindness bookmarks with encouraging quotes. Go into your school library and hide them in the books.

Day 8

Stand up for kindness and wear pink today. Read a story with the theme of kindness and share a video of how Pink Shirt Day started. 

Here is one that I have used before:


Kindness & Stories

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